IBody Interface (KinectEx)

An interface that explicitly maps all of the Kinect SDK Body members so that different variations of body can be used for both smoothing and recording.

Namespace: KinectEx
Assembly: KinectEx (KinectEx.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • C++
  • F#
public interface IBody

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for C++ is not yet implemented

type public IBody = interface end

The IBody type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
ClippedEdges Gets or sets the clipped edges. 
HandLeftConfidence Gets or sets the hand left confidence. 
HandLeftState Gets or sets the state of the hand left. 
HandRightConfidence Gets or sets the hand right confidence. 
HandRightState Gets or sets the state of the hand right. 
HasMappedColorPositions Gets or sets whether the color space positions were mapped for this body. 
HasMappedDepthPositions Gets or sets whether the depth space positions were mapped for this body. 
IsRestricted Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is restricted. 
IsTracked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is tracked. 
JointOrientations Gets the joint orientations. 
Joints Gets or sets the joints. 
Lean Gets or sets the lean. 
LeanTrackingState Gets or sets the state of the lean tracking. 
TrackingId Gets or sets the tracking identifier. 
  Platforms Name Description
MapColorPositions Iterates over the body's CameraSpacePoint joint locations and maps each to a ColorSpacePoint. 
MapDepthPositions Iterates over the body's CameraSpacePoint joint locations and maps each to a DepthSpacePoint. 
Update(IBody) Updates the specified body. 
Update(Body) Updates the specified body. 
Update(Body) Updates the specified body. 
  Platforms Name Description
GetMirroredJoint Gets an IJoint object representing the joint that mirrors the specified JointTypeEx (e.g., the left wrist mirrors the right wrist). (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetMirroredJointOrientation Gets the IJointOrientation of the joint that mirrors the specified JointTypeEx (e.g., the left wrist mirrors the right wrist). (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetVector Get a Vector3 (SharpDX / DirectX) object representing the vector between two given JointTypeEx values.. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetVector Get a Vector3 (SharpDX / DirectX) object representing the vector between the joints of the specified BoneTypeEx value. Optionally allows for the bone to be inverted to achieve the desired orientation. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetBone Gets a Bone structure containing the two IJoint values that constitute the start and end of the specified BoneTypeEx. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetBonesAt Gets a list of the two Bone values that share the specified JointTypeEx value. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetAngleBetween Returns the angle (in degrees) between the two specified BoneTypeEx values. Optionally allows for either or both bones to be inverted to achieve the desired orientation. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetAngleAt Returns the angle (in degrees) between the two bones that intersect at the specified JointTypeEx value. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetDistanceBetween Returns the distance (in meters) between the two specified joints. (Defined by BodyExtensions.)
GetBitmap Gets the body joints and bones drawn as a WriteableBitmap (Defined by BodyImageExtension.)
AddToBitmap Draws the body joints and bones to a WriteableBitmap (Defined by BodyImageExtension.)
GetBitmap Gets the body joints and bones drawn as a WriteableBitmap (Defined by BodyImageExtension.)
AddToBitmap Draws the body joints and bones to a WriteableBitmap (Defined by BodyImageExtension.)
Supported in:

 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5
 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5 (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows Phone 8 - WinRT