KalmanJoint Class (KinectEx.Smoothing)

A class representing a CustomJoint who's position values are "smoothed" using a Kalman-like filtering algorithm.

Namespace: KinectEx.Smoothing
Assembly: KinectEx (KinectEx.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • C++
  • F#
public class KalmanJoint : CustomJoint

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for C++ is not yet implemented

type public KalmanJoint =
		inherit CustomJoint

The KalmanJoint type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
KalmanJoint(JointType) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with default configuration values. 
KalmanJoint(JointType, ISmootherParameters) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with custom configuration values. 
KalmanJoint(JointType) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with default configuration values. 
KalmanJoint(JointType, ISmootherParameters) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with custom configuration values. 
KalmanJoint(JointType) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with default configuration values. 
KalmanJoint(JointType, ISmootherParameters) Create a Kalman smoothing joint with custom configuration values. 
  Platforms Name Description
_colorPosition The depth position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
_depthPosition The depth position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
_jointType The type of the joint. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
_position The position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
_trackingState The state of the tracking. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
  Platforms Name Description
ColorPosition Gets or sets the 2D color space position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
DepthPosition Gets or sets the 2D depth space position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
JointType Gets or sets the type of the joint. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
Position Gets or sets the position. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
TrackingState Gets or sets the state of the tracking. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
  Platforms Name Description
Update(IJoint) Update (and filter) the joint position based on the referenced IJoint. (Overrides CustomJoint.Update().)
Update(Joint) Update the joint position based on the referened Joint. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
Update(Joint) Update the joint position based on the referened Joint. (Inherited from CustomJoint.)
Supported in:

 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5
 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5 (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows Phone 8 - WinRT