KinectBody Class (KinectEx)

This class just wraps the Kinect SDK's Joint struct, but does so with a class that implements the common IJoint interface. This makes it possible to use a standard Kinect SDK object with many of the utility functions provided by the KinectEx library.

Namespace: KinectEx
Assembly: KinectEx (KinectEx.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • C++
  • F#
public class KinectBody : IBody

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for C++ is not yet implemented

type public KinectBody =
		interface IBody

The KinectBody type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
KinectBody() Initializes a new instance of the KinectBody class. 
KinectBody(Body) Initializes a new instance of the KinectBody class. 
KinectBody(Body) Initializes a new instance of the KinectBody class. 
  Platforms Name Description
ClippedEdges Gets or sets the clipped edges. (Implements IBody.ClippedEdges().)
HandLeftConfidence Gets or sets the hand left confidence. (Implements IBody.HandLeftConfidence().)
HandLeftState Gets or sets the state of the hand left. (Implements IBody.HandLeftState().)
HandRightConfidence Gets or sets the hand right confidence. (Implements IBody.HandRightConfidence().)
HandRightState Gets or sets the state of the hand right. (Implements IBody.HandRightState().)
HasMappedColorPositions Gets or sets whether the color space positions were mapped for this body. (Implements IBody.HasMappedColorPositions().)
HasMappedDepthPositions Gets or sets whether the depth space positions were mapped for this body. (Implements IBody.HasMappedDepthPositions().)
IsRestricted Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is restricted. (Implements IBody.IsRestricted().)
IsTracked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is tracked. (Implements IBody.IsTracked().)
JointOrientations Gets the joint orientations. (Implements IBody.JointOrientations().)
Joints Gets or sets the joints. (Implements IBody.Joints().)
Lean Gets or sets the lean. (Implements IBody.Lean().)
LeanTrackingState Gets or sets the state of the lean tracking. (Implements IBody.LeanTrackingState().)
TrackingId Gets or sets the tracking identifier. (Implements IBody.TrackingId().)
  Platforms Name Description
MapColorPositions Iterates over the body's CameraSpacePoint joint locations and maps each to a ColorSpacePoint. (Implements IBody.MapColorPositions().)
MapDepthPositions Iterates over the body's CameraSpacePoint joint locations and maps each to a DepthSpacePoint. (Implements IBody.MapDepthPositions().)
Update(Body) Updates the specified body. (Implements IBody.Update().)
Update(Body) Updates the specified body. (Implements IBody.Update().)
Update(IBody) Updates the specified body. (Implements IBody.Update().)
  Platforms Name Description
Implicit(Body) Performs an implicit conversion from Bod to KinectBody
Implicit(Body) Performs an implicit conversion from Bod to KinectBody
Supported in:

 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT