KinectReplay Class (KinectEx.DVR)

This class is one of two primary programmatic interfaces into the KinectEx.DVR subsystem. Created to enable playback of frames from a Stream.

Namespace: KinectEx.DVR
Assembly: KinectEx (KinectEx.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • C++
  • F#
public class KinectReplay : IDisposable, INotifyPropertyChanged

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for C++ is not yet implemented

type public KinectReplay =
		interface IDisposable
		interface INotifyPropertyChanged

The KinectReplay type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
KinectReplay Creates a new instance of a KinectReplay using the referenced stream. This will read in the headers for all frames in the stream and make them available for playback. The stream will remain open until the instance is disposed. 
  Platforms Name Description
FrameTime The length of each frame (effectively 30fps ==> 33.3ms) 
IsFinishedPropertyName The string name of the IsFinished property (for use in PropertyChanged event handlers). 
IsStartedPropertyName The string name of the IsStarted property (for use in PropertyChanged event handlers). 
LocationPropertyName The string name of the Location property (for use in PropertyChanged event handlers). 
  Platforms Name Description
Duration The total duration of the playback stream. 
HasBodyFrames Whether this playback stream contains ReplayBodyFrame frames. 
HasColorFrames Whether this playback stream contains ReplayColorFrame frames. 
HasDepthFrames Whether this playback stream contains ReplayDepthFrame frames. 
HasInfraredFrames Whether this playback stream contains InfraredDepthFrame frames. 
IsFinished Whether this instance of KinectReplay has finished playback. While IsStarted can change to false any time playback is stopped, this property is only changed when playback stops due to reaching the end of the playback stream. 
IsStarted Whether this instance of KinectReplay is currently started. 
Location The current location within the playback stream. 
  Platforms Name Description
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Implements IDisposable.Dispose().)
Dispose(bool) Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. 
Finalize Finalizes an instance of the KinectReplay class. (Overrides object.Finalize().)
ScrubTo Move the playback location to the specified time. 
Start Start playback. 
Stop Stop playback. 
  Platforms Name Description
BodyFrameArrived Signals the "arrival" of a new ReplayBodyFrame
ColorFrameArrived Signals the "arrival" of a new ReplayColorFrame
DepthFrameArrived Signals the "arrival" of a new ReplayDepthFrame
InfraredFrameArrived Signals the "arrival" of a new InfraredDepthFrame
PropertyChanged Signals a change in value of one of the properties. (Implements PropertyChanged().)
Supported in:

 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5
 Windows Desktop - .NET 4.5 (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT
 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT (without Kinect SDK)
 Windows Phone 8 - WinRT