KinectRecorder.KinectRecorder Method (KinectEx.DVR)

Creates a new instance of a KinectRecorder which can save frames to the referenced stream. The KinectRecorder can operate in two distinct modes. The "Automatic" mode requires only that you pass a valid KinectSensor object to this constructor. Recording of frames for each enabled frame type happens automatically between the time Start() and StopAsync() are called. In certain situations, the developer may wish to have more precise control over when and how frames are recorded. If no KinectSensor is passed in to this constructor, Start() and StopAsync() must still be called to begin and end the recording session. However, the KinectRecorder will be in "Manual" mode, and frames are recorded only when passed in to the RecordFrame() method.

Namespace: KinectEx.DVR
Assembly: KinectEx (KinectEx.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • C++
  • F#
public KinectRecorder(
	Stream stream, 
	KinectSensor sensor

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for C++ is not yet implemented

new : 
	stream : Stream * 
	sensor : KinectSensor -> KinectRecorder


Type: System.IO.Stream
The stream to which frames will be stored.
Type: WindowsPreview.Kinect.KinectSensor
If supplied, the KinectSensor from which frames will be automatically retrieved for recording.
Supported in:

 Windows 8.1 Store - WinRT